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Fists in Solidarity

Youth Commission

The Central Shenandoah Valley Office on Youth is a regional government agency committed to meeting the needs of youth and families in Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta County. The three localities provide financial support and other resources to the office.

The OOY maintains a Youth Commission that serves as an Advisory Board to the Office on Youth Director.


The Commissioners:

  1. serve as youth advocates, ambassadors, and volunteers assisting Office on Youth programming,

  2. provide input related to youth programming, funding, and community needs,

  3. ensure the provision of comprehensive youth services in our region,

  4. recommend policies involving programming for youth and families, and

  5. evaluate and seek solutions to problems, activities, and concerns.


The Youth Commission is comprised of 15 members, 5 representing each locality. One representative from each locality is a youth between 13 and 18 years old. Adults serve a three-year term. Youth can serve until the age of 18. The Youth Commission meets bi-monthly.




We need you!

The OOY is currently seeking Regional Youth Commissioners from Waynesboro, Staunton and Augusta County.   Applications can be found on the localities websites at the links below:




Youth Commission By-Laws

Get in Touch

Thanks for submitting!

Waynesboro Office

Rosenwald Community Center
413 Port Republic Road
Waynesboro, VA 22980
Tel: 540-942-6757

Staunton Office

Nelson Street Teen Center
900 Nelson Street
Staunton, VA 24401

Tel: 540-332-3806

Social Media

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